Why we Israelis don't get it... News about Gaza during the war there. January 16, 2009
I was listening to the radio interview of two teens from
the south of Israel, both of whom had been living under intolerable conditions for several weeks, caught in the crossfire
of the adults. “Oh my family never
watches the foreign TV stations,” said one. “They’re not as accurate as the Israeli news.” “My father forbids it,” said the other.
“It could be demoralizing.”
Yes, indeed, it could be demoralizing. If you don’t watch the “foreign channels” – CNN, the
BBC, or Sky News, let alone al-Jazeera – you don’t hear the (other) half of what is happening.
You never heard, for example, that · al-Quds Hospital in Gaza took a direct hit yesterday; or that ·
UNRWA notified the IDF that a shell had struck their storage facility
(food, medicine, and fuel), but that the IDF fired six more shells after that; or that · children were found cowering in their home near the dead bodies of their parents, probably for
days, as ambulances could not reach them, despite strict international laws about the free movement of medical crews.
But Israelis hear only the Israeli news. So what does my neighbor say to
me yesterday? “Israel has the most moral army in the world. What other army would drop leaflets warning
civilians to leave so they won’t be hurt by shelling?” Well, the answer is: many countries. It’s a common propaganda tool. Here’s an excerpt
from a leaflet dropped by the US into Japan during World War II: “The weapons used by the Japanese military authorities in order
to extend this hopeless war will be completely destroyed by the US Air Force. However, bombs cannot see, so we do not know
where they will land. As you know, we Americans are a humanitarian people and we do not want to injure innocent people. Therefore,
please evacuate these cities.”
And here’s an excerpt of a leaflet dropped by Israel into Gaza a few days ago: "As a result of the acts undertaken by terrorists in your area against Israel,
the IDF is forced to respond immediately and take action in this area. For your own safety, you are asked to leave the area
to say, there is nowhere to go. Gaza is a tiny area – 10% the size of Rhode Island – densely occupied, and all
the borders are sealed shut. But Israelis
are still repeating the mantra that turns my stomach: The IDF is the most moral army in the world.
Throughout these horrific weeks, the most carefully documented
reports inside Israel of what is and what isn’t actually happening have been those of the human right organizations.
You can see a combined blog of these organizations. You know there have been serious human rights abuses when eleven organizations come together to do something.
B’Tselem even took the unprecedented step of issuing a call for a cease fire. All have done important work in getting the message out to Israelis.
Last but not least, the peace organizations continue raising their brave and lonely
voices to the ongoing vilification of patriotic passersby and motorists. Here’s what I wrote on my sign yesterday: “We
have become our own worst nightmare.” Most passersby didn’t get it.
Gila Svirsky 16 January 2009
Rice: 'What we're seeing here, in a sense, is the growing birth pangs of a new Middle East'.
Jon Stewart: "Birth pangs? Yes, I believe today's contraction took out a city block."